Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 26, 2010~Overview & Stats

A little history: I've struggled with weight progressively since I was about 20, putting on little by little each year until I reached and all-time high of 252 pounds in 2008. Now, part of that was pregnancy weight, but it was still TOO high. In 2005 I was 191 pounds when I conceived my first child, gained 50 pounds during pregnancy, and got down to 203 when I conceived #2 in 2007. Gained another 50+ with #2 and ended up with Postpartum depression after delivering him. I'd lost about 30 pounds after delivering him, but yo-yo'ed as I dealt with the depression. My all-time high, non-pregnant weight was 227 pounds. I was wearing a size 20 for the first time in my life and could no longer buy clothes at the 'regular' stores.

In June of last year, I started a diet plan that allowed me to shed 35 pounds quickly, but without lifestyle changes 20 pounds of that came back in a hurry during the holiday season.

I started my journey in January. I decided I was going to workout, and workout as much as I could. I joined my local gym and got right into working out. I knew, in order to make sufficient changes, that things wouldn't be "perfect" at first. Meaning, I knew that if I jumped in head-first and changed my diet and exercise too fast, I'd find myself in the same boat I had been all these years. My sights would be fixed on losing weight, but that would fade after a few short weeks.

For 3 months, I focused on working out, losing about 3 pounds total in that 3 month period. Just 3 weeks ago, April 5th, I decided it was time to incorporate the nutrition portion. I've been calculating deficits and focusing on getting to the gym at least 5 days a week for 2 hours each time. In the first 2 weeks, I was down 5.2 pounds to 207.1. I have yet to weigh in this week due to my oldest being sick and unable to weigh in on my normal day and time....so next week I will report my losses.

My workouts vary a bit to keep me interested and getting a variety of different things in to condition my body for fat loss. I am also training to do my first 5k June 12th. My other plans include a July 4th 5k and an October 1/2 marathon. My schedule is as follows:

sculpting (either in a class or on my own), Couch to 5K running program found here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml. If I have additional time before I have to get the kids from the childcare, I will add some elliptical.

spin for 60 mins, swim 45 minutes

sculpt, couch to 5k (C25K)

spin, swim

sculpt, C25K

light walks with the family

day off

This week is a little different as my oldest has pink eye and I can't take her to the gym, so I'm going in the evenings after dinner. Yesterday I did my C25K twice. The program runs about 30 minutes, with walking/running intervals. So, I spent an hour at the gym on the track. It is a huge reality of how far I have to go to get my body used to running and aim for that 1/2 marathon. My plan is to be finished with the C25K plan in 6 weeks, and then begin a 12 week 1/2 marathon training to be ready to run in October, injury-free. Slow and easy.

Monday's Calorie Info
(26th, I will always post the day after the title date but stats and info is for THAT day):

Calories Burned: 3153
Calories Consumed: 2743
Calorie Deficit: 410
Steps taken: 12577
Duration of Physical Activity: 1 hour 38 minutes

Last recorded weight 1 week ago: 207.1

My normal calorie deficit is 3 times that amount at minimum, but a friend is moving and we had coffee and cookies late in the day. Back at the normal routine today.

Starting Stats at 222 Pounds in June:

Chest Start (in.):
Waist Start (in.):
Hips Start (in.):
ThighL Start (in.):
ThighR Start (in.):
ArmL Start (in.):
ArmR Start (in.):

Starting Inches January 2010, 212 pounds:

Chest Start (in.):
Waist Start (in.):
Hips Start (in.):
ThighL Start (in.):
ThighR Start (in.):
ArmL Start (in.):
ArmR Start (in.):

Today's Measurements, April 27, 2010, 207.1 pounds (last recorded weight)
Current Chest:
Current Waist:
Current Hips:
Current ThighL:
Current ThighR:
Current ArmL:
Current ArmR:

Chest Change:

Waist Change:

Hips Change:

ThighL Change:

ThighR Change:

ArmL Change:

ArmR Change:

Total Inches Lost

Until tomorrow.......which will be shorter, I promise.

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About Me

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I love people. I love to show people their value in this life, their worth being more than the world offers. I cherish being a Mom and am blessed to have the opportunity to stay at home with my children and teach and guide them. I have a heart for the hurting, to reach out and heal the needs of others through action and example. I love fast cars, movies, jokes, and being silly. I am human, completely imperfect and screw up daily...but I am thankful for second chances.