Friday, June 4, 2010

Rough 6 Weeks

Wow, first, I have to apologize for not being around for a while. It has been a tough 6 weeks for me. My kids have been sick on and off (mostly on) for that entire period. It has messed with my head, my workout schedules, and anything and everything else. I'm trying now to pick myself up and dust myself off and hop back on the wagon, because friends, I fell off. I have not gained, but I have only lost 1 pound in 6 weeks.

So, today is a new day. I still had a sick child, with a trip to the Dr. again, but I got in a small 20 minute workout. Better than nothing.

I will be posting more.....the giveaway is watch for it!

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About Me

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I love people. I love to show people their value in this life, their worth being more than the world offers. I cherish being a Mom and am blessed to have the opportunity to stay at home with my children and teach and guide them. I have a heart for the hurting, to reach out and heal the needs of others through action and example. I love fast cars, movies, jokes, and being silly. I am human, completely imperfect and screw up daily...but I am thankful for second chances.