Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 28, 2010~Recap

First, Congratulations to Sarah Rose for winning the giveaway yesterday! Be looking for more to come, I have a few things I will give away.

Yesterday was a good day

Calories Burned: 3688
Calories Consumed: 1774
Calorie Deficit: 1914 YES!
Total Steps: 14592

I went to the gym around 8pm and did my C25K running program for week 3, I repeated it after the first round because I felt I needed a better workout. That equates (in intervals) to 18 mins of running and 28 minutes of walking. I stretched immediately after the run because I had some soreness in my hips, and then headed to the machines for upper and lower body workout. I left the gym at 9:30 with a total calorie burn of 819. Let me tell you how great that feels!

I'm starting to feel as if I'm getting sick. My daughter is sick, and I've got this little naggy chest thing going Emergen-C here I come. Hopefully I can avoid it so I can stay with my running program.

I've been recruited to help start a weight loss club at the gym with the fitness coordinator. I'm looking forward to being a member contact for other members to relate to. It'll be a fun adventure!

Not sure the fitness plan for this evening, we'll see how I'm feeling. It also depends what time I'm actually able to get to the gym. It may be a light day for me, because I'm feeling pretty exhausted (not sure if it's the sick part or the workout part from last night). Either way, if I can at least work in a nice long walk, I'd be happy with that.

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About Me

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I love people. I love to show people their value in this life, their worth being more than the world offers. I cherish being a Mom and am blessed to have the opportunity to stay at home with my children and teach and guide them. I have a heart for the hurting, to reach out and heal the needs of others through action and example. I love fast cars, movies, jokes, and being silly. I am human, completely imperfect and screw up daily...but I am thankful for second chances.