Friday, June 4, 2010

GIVEAWAY~ June 4-11~Shakeology

Shakeology Shaker Cup, Shakeology sample packet, and recipe cards. To see a bigger photo and great before and after photos of the Beachbody Coach who supplied this giveaway, and to get more detailed information about Shakeology, click on my website below:

A special thanks to Jude Voiles, a Beachbody coach who provided this giveaway. You can order this through her if you are interested. The shake is awesome. You get the protein you need with the vitamins and other great nutrition packed in it. It's very tasty too. Jude is an awesome inspiration, she shed a boatload of weight using P90X and Beachbody products. She can answer any questions you may have and help you individually. Beachbody is a great company with great products that always produce great results. For Jude's Website, click on either link above. Here are her before and after photos: (oh by the way, Jude won the $10K contest for P90X)

This giveaway will be mailed directly by Jude, so all entries must be willing for me to distribute your address to her. She will not send you a bunch of useless advertisements and spam mail. This is honestly from the goodness of her heart. This contest ends at midnight on Friday, June 11th. The winner will be announced sometime Saturday. Winners are chosen through a random number generator at

Comment below to enter or click on my website link at the top of the page to win!!!!

Rough 6 Weeks

Wow, first, I have to apologize for not being around for a while. It has been a tough 6 weeks for me. My kids have been sick on and off (mostly on) for that entire period. It has messed with my head, my workout schedules, and anything and everything else. I'm trying now to pick myself up and dust myself off and hop back on the wagon, because friends, I fell off. I have not gained, but I have only lost 1 pound in 6 weeks.

So, today is a new day. I still had a sick child, with a trip to the Dr. again, but I got in a small 20 minute workout. Better than nothing.

I will be posting more.....the giveaway is watch for it!


About Me

My photo
I love people. I love to show people their value in this life, their worth being more than the world offers. I cherish being a Mom and am blessed to have the opportunity to stay at home with my children and teach and guide them. I have a heart for the hurting, to reach out and heal the needs of others through action and example. I love fast cars, movies, jokes, and being silly. I am human, completely imperfect and screw up daily...but I am thankful for second chances.